Roula Eid
Executive/Team Coach, Mentor Coach, PCC marker Assessor
Canada Coach Academy/Fingerprint Leadership
Agnes 是一個非常敬業,有上進心和勤奮的人。在我認識她的許多年中,她致力於傳授知識並發展她的學生。她是極富創造力的人,並確保她所做的一切都達到非凡的水準。我毫不懷疑她將繼續對所有有幸與她合作的人們產生積極影響 ,她確實是一個可愛的人,我祝她一切順利。
Rick Chung
Co-Founder & Managing Director
Captar Partners
我很高興在Agnes的早期職業生涯中就和她在加拿大一起工作。 Agnes是一位積極、精力充沛及充滿活力的領導人,她追求個人發展,並爲身邊的人提供成長的機會。 她對人充滿熱情,竭誠地爲客戶和團隊服務。 作爲投入良多的學習者,她總是對任何情況的可能性和潛力敞開眼睛。她能發掘出最好人才,對任何組織來說都是真正的財富。
Adrienne Bailly
Director of Western Canada
我很高興在Agnes的早期職業生涯中就和她在加拿大一起工作。 Agnes是一位積極、精力充沛及充滿活力的領導人,她追求個人發展,並爲身邊的人提供成長的機會。 她對人充滿熱情,竭誠地爲客戶和團隊服務。 作爲投入良多的學習者,她總是對任何情況的可能性和潛力敞開眼睛。她能發掘出最好人才,對任何組織來說都是真正的財富。
Chris McManus
Chief People & Customer Service Officer
Charles Tyrwhitt, UK
Agnes is an extraordinarily dedicated, motivated and hardworking individual. During the many years that I have known her she has remained utterly committed to imparting knowledge and developing all of her many pupils. Highly creative and inventive, nothing is too much trouble for Agnes, who will always go the extra mile to ensure that she delivers to an exceptional standard in all that she does. Agnes is both professional and caring and it was my absolute pleasure to work with. I have no doubt that she will continue to impact positively on all of those who are fortunate enough to work with her - she really is a lovely person and I wish her every good fortune.
Fancisca Miura
Business Etiquette Trainer
Founder of FAA
Marina Iriazabal
Global Communication Manager
Barbara Pruvost
Senior Spa Business Development Manager
Agnes是一位極富魅力和影響力的領導者。 早年在香港歐舒丹工作,她一直協助我建立領導才能。 她是一位經驗豐富的公開演講者,她熱切地將最好的帶給她所督導的每一個人。 我強烈推薦她給任何想增強自信心,公開演講和溝通技巧的人。
Khalid Khan
Tomorrow's Youth Development Fund Limited
Thomas Olson
Product Director and Business Development
Broken Circle Studios
Agnes 是一位充滿活力的演説家。她直接與參加者互動,並通過多種技術使他們參與討論。她傳達關於DISC個性的信息非常清楚且有用,Agnes借助大量參與者的參與使我們展示並吸收了她所傳遞的見解。我希望參加更多她的工作坊,並強烈推薦她。
Rosemary Rae
Organisational Development & Training Manager Global
Helene Goetzelmann
VP Client Experience L'OCCITANE en Provence
Celia To
Head of Marketing, Corporate Responsibility and Commercial
The Body Shop
Robert Kienzle
Senior Consultant
Agnes對任何人,包括我自己都充滿啟發性。 我很高興能見證到她那鼓舞人心的講話,這使我深受感動。 我永遠不會忘記她的評價技能工作坊,我從中學到了很多知識。Agnes是一位很棒的領導者、溝通者和培訓師,更是一位日常挑戰的解決者!如果你想要一位能激勵你團隊、提高生產效率及團隊士氣的培訓師,我會推薦Agnes。
Kam Wong
Head of Finance
Australia Listed Jewelry Retailer
Agnes進行了一個極具影響性的培訓,大家都從她身上得到了很多樂趣和歡笑。她是一位很有積極性和影響力的培訓師,總是帶着無限的能量及燦爛的笑容,讓你迷上她想教你的東西。我對她的影響力留下了深刻的印象,她是一個熱情的領導者及喜歡幫助別人成長。 我高度推薦Agnes的線上培訓,並祝願她今後努力地取得成功。
Steve Bruce
Linkedin Consultant
SB Consulting
我最近很高興能與我的LinkedIn客戶之一Agnes合作Gallup Strengthsfinder優勢發展的簡介。 這是個性評估工具,專門發揮人們的優點,而不是把注意力集中在你的弱點上。我實在覺得這節課程很有用,並會向想「瞭解自己更多」的人推薦Agnes培訓師。
Agnes is a coach with authentic heart and beautiful soul. She always creates a non-judgmental, safe space for me to be transparent and genuine with my thoughts and feelings which evoke the motivation and genius that already resides within me. The way she celebrates with me when I have revelations is so genuine that it further reinforces me to believe that I already have all the power and potential within me to discover the answers and action steps to breakthrough any challenges in my life. I can't recommend Agnes highly enough!
Steve Kim, CPA, CMA
Director, Commercial Mortgage Investment at Canada Life
Montreal, Canada
Agnes Lo was my mentee when she was studying coaching skills at Canada Coach Academy. She has consistently demonstrated an exceptional commitment to honing her coaching skills. Agnes Lo exhibits a deep understanding of coaching principles, a genuine empathy for clients, and an innate ability to foster trust and rapport. Her capacity to actively listen, ask insightful questions, and provide constructive feedback is truly commendable. I am confident that Agnes Lo will positively impact the lives of her clients and contribute significantly to the coaching community. All the best in this journey.
Roula Eid, ORSCC, PCC
Executive/Team Coach, Mentor Coach, PCC Marker Assessor
Ottawa, Canada